How Long Should A Short Story Blog Be?

 Writing a blog post in the form of a short story can be a fun and exciting challenge! A great way to think about how long your short story should be is to ask yourself two questions: how long does the story need to be to tell the complete tale, and how long can you keep your readers’ interest. 

Typically, short stories should be between 500 and 3,000 words. Anything shorter may be considered flash fiction, which typically should be less than 1,000 words, or a micro story which can be less than 500 words. 

When you’re deciding on how long your short story should be, keep in mind the structure and your audience. If you are writing a humorous or entertaining story, your readers will probably appreciate it more if you tell it in the shortest amount of words necessary. 

 If you’re telling a more complex or emotionally compelling story, it might need a few more words to really tell it justice. Either way, be sure to include details to help your readers paint the pictures in their mind. This could be adding a sensory description or telling a bit about the characters’ emotions. 

Finally, it really comes down to finding the right balance between a story that’s not too long and not too short, with the appropriate amount of detail and information to give the reader a satisfying story. Happy writing!


Blog posts vary greatly in length, depending on the subject and desired impact. When writing a nonfiction short story, blog post format is a great way to tell a captivating story in a short and digestible form. Ideally, you should aim to keep your story under 1,000 words and divided into shorter sections with plenty of breaks in the text to make it easier to read. Try to ensure that each section begins and ends with an interesting thought or statement to grab the reader's attention and draw them into the post. At the same time, try to leave the readers wanting more to entice them to read the next section. A compelling and well-crafted nonfiction short story written in blog post format can leave readers inspired, informed and motivated.


If you're looking for the ideal length of a short story for a blog post format, the answer isn't an exact number. Different writers have their own preferred lengths, and it all depends on what you’re hoping to achieve with your story. However, as a general rule, you’ll want to keep your blog post short stories around 1,000 words or fewer. That said, if your story requires a bit more room to be told effectively, that's okay, too. You may just have to find a way to be concise in order to tell the story without being overly long. No matter what length your story is, just remember to keep the pace going, using powerful language and descriptions to evoke emotion and make your story interesting. That way, readers will be able to stay with the story even if it's a bit longer than usual.

Flash friction 

Today we’re discussing a frequently asked question: How long should a flash fiction short story be when written in blog post format? 

Flash fiction is a unique writing style that’s meant to captivate and entertain readers in as little words as possible. Depending on the writer’s goals and the audience, the length of flash fiction can range anywhere from a few sentences to a few hundred words. In a blog post format, most writers try to stick to the short side of that spectrum.

The key is to tell a story within your blog post, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Keeping it under 500 words should do the trick!

Whether it’s an individual character, a story of a day in the life of an animal, or a narrative based on true events, when writing a flash fiction story in a blog post, make sure it follows this tried-and-true outline:

• Introduce the characters or story with a strong, attention-grabbing lead sentence 

• Highlight the main problem or conflict and make it relatable

• Provide background information to provide a sense of place or time

• Describe the development of the main character or plot points

• Explain the resolution or ending

• Include a thoughtful reflection or call-to-action to tie it all together

I hope these tips help guide your journey as you embark on writing your next short flash fiction story for a blog post. Keep in mind that 500 words is an average and your piece doesn’t need to stick to that rigidly; above all else, write from your heart and create a story that will resonate with your readers. Good luck!

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for us at Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s where we take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s is looking forward to sharing more of our works with the world in the coming years.

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